F's New Album "PsychoAmerica " is now released!
You can download, stream or pick up physical copies on the F Bandcamp page.
You can download, stream or pick up physical copies on the F Bandcamp page.
F's new Video for ""I Fell in Love With A ..." from the "PsychoAmerica" album..
F "PsychoAmerica" Lyric Video from the PsychoAmerica album.
F's video from the aalbum "Live to Kill" .
The new F album "PsychoAmerica has been released on CD, Streaming and on Bandcamp. Vinyl will be released in 2025.
F album releases are now available on Bandcamp, Amazon and Itunes. You can download" "PsychoAmerica", "Diabolical", "Live to Kill","The Danger is Here", "@@#$!"and "Raw Bones" from the F Bandcamp page. https://fofficialpage.bandcamp.com
Check out the F Merch tab for more details